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Field Observation Properties

A Field Observation is to record an observation in the field. There are certain data items for the station setup which are recorded and are used during the reduction to compute the XYZ values for the observed points.
See Field Obs Explorer for info.

Point Number
Enter the point number to be used when reducing this observation to create a point in the job. This field will generally be filled in when reading from teh data recorder. If you want the program to automatically allocate a point number, leave this field blank.

Slope Dist
Enter the slope distance as recorded by the theodolite.

Height Target
Enter the height of target as recorded by the theodoliet.

Vert Angle
This is the vertical angle, you can set the azimuth on the Field Session parameters.

Horiz Bearing
Enter the horizontal bearing of the observed point.

Vert Distance
If this a HV shot, enter the vertical distance between the station and the observed point.

Each point can have a code string attached, enter it here.

Observed Station
If you are doing a 'cehck shot' to a known station, enter the observed station name/number here.

Enter a remark for thos point.

Extra Attributes
Extra Attributes are displayed in a scrollable 'Name-Value' list.
You can directly edit the values.
To add a value type in the name and value into a spare row at the bottom of the list
To delete a value, just erase the name

User Point
When ticked, the point number was supplied by the user/Field notes.
When not ticked the point number is supplied automatically by GeoSurvey during reduction.

Resection Observation
This observation is one of a set of Resection observation.
1. All resection observations must appear sequentially.
2. You must have a minimum of one obs and a maximum of 10 observations.

Click here for more info.

For a Slope Distance observation you should provide:
For a Horizontal/Vertical Differences observation you should provide:
Obs to set Azimuth Swing:
This musy be the first obs after the station setup:
If the Station setup Azimuth swing value is blank, the reduction will look at the first observation from the station.